Binance / Chainlink
CityCoin It is developed on the Binance network, a network with great advantages, including:
● Flexibility in the creation of contracts.
● Easy integration with other protocols and services.
● Very competitive transaction fees unlike others.
● Global viewing and millions of users.
In addition to taking advantage of Binance, CityCoin uses Chainlink services to provide certainty and security to different characteristics:
● Tamper-proof governance decisions, In the case of the voting machine in CityCoin, Chainlink offers a tamper-proof source of on-chain randomness to enable an unlimited number of voting processes to meet the governance needs of DAOs around fair decision making.
● Trustless ordering processes, the special high-demand events where Cityers can participate, through Chainlink fair selection is facilitated, selecting users at random, or to incorporate new DAO members and thus break ties in a demonstrably fair way that any user can audit .
● The impartial selection of winners in the voting machines, the Cityers, in addition to fulfilling their democratic right, will be able to earn different rewards for it, which, through Chainlink, will be demonstrably fair and tamper-proof.
● Fair allocation of loyalty rewards, we all love giveaways and being given rewards for participation and loyalty, and for that with Chainlink we will distribute these verifiable random rewards and gifts.
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